Bonnie Sundance Bonnie Sundance

Alternatives to War

Dear Congressman Neguse and Staff,

As a former Peace Corps Volunteer, a trained Librarian, and with a degree in Sociology, I have come to learn the importance of valuing other cultures, peoples and fostering coexistence.  My spirituality embraces respect for all life forms, all peoples and for the Earth and all elements.

War in my way of thinking has no place on Earth in the 21st century when we as humanity have the tools of conflict resolution and nonviolent communication along with the United Nations.  In the situation of Israel/Gaza I believe the International community through all means of diplomacy and the United Nations, needs to reject war in all militaristic forms as a means or as a solution and needs to call for a Ceasefire and to foster active peace-making.

This War has desecrated land, soil, water, human life and left behind unhealthy conditions physically and psychologically.  It is accomplishing nothing.   The intentions and beliefs which are driving this war are false premises,  creations of the human mind in a state of fear and hurt.

I realize there is a long history between Israelis and Palestinians.  I am suggesting in this conflict and others that the International Community promote and foster mutual participation in assuring one another's safety on all levels of society:  

--through mutual teaching and understanding of one another's history, culture and issues and of our mutual interconnectedness
--through learning and utilizing the tools of nonviolent conflict resolution, including nonviolent communication as taught by Marshall Rosenberg
--through planting seeds of mutual well-being through careful listening, active care from mutually created beneficial activities and sharing of resources
--through trauma healing made widely available : individual, collective and ancestral (as promoted by Thomas Hubl and Gabor Mate)      

Financing these kinds of efforts from military spending would go a long way in addressing human needs for respect and peaceful conflict resolution.    The US government and people need to stop funding and supporting the militaristic War response by Israel and their other life-negating efforts.

Every country could benefit from having a Dept of Peace and if the US were spending 25% of the Dept. of Defense budget on building peace worldwide.


Bonnie Sundance

Nederland, CO 80466

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Easter Sunday’s Heart / Mind For All My Relations March 31, 2024

This Easter Sunday there is no Resurrection of anything of value when $2.5 billion more bombs are being sent from the US gov't and weapons industry, to kill Kill KILL the people of Palestine.    I sit in grief, my head in my hands, troubled.    

I don't have to be an expert to recognize INSANITY.     In Colorado, we created a monument to say "No More and Not Again" yet here is the Sand Creek Massacre of the Arapaho and Cheyenne people being played out in Gaza by the US Government, the weapons industry and Israel.    

The very country of Jewish people who fled the Holocaust are now playing out their remembered horror on the Palestinians at a time when the Earth's peoples need to be attending to transforming the conditions to avoid our future extinction.    

We don't need WAR at this time in humanity's story.  We need to be re-examining the insanity of industries and governments hell bent on degrading the Earth beyond our ability to live here responsibly and gratefully on this incredible generous Planet.

We need to be transforming the Fossil Fuel Industry, the Agricultural Industry, and all the Systems creating the multiple crises currently degrading Life on Earth and our human communities.    

We need to shift human consciousness into a Resurrection of valuing Relationship with and caring for all LIFE around us and protecting the generosity of the Earth's systems so all Life can thrive.

May all our human systems and ways of being be transformed to align with the Earth's Systems, Cycles of Life  and Sacred Ways of Being.

For All My Relations.    For Our Beloved Earth.