Poetry here is related to material on this website.
Most are written by Bonnie Sundance with contributions from other community poets. Enjoy their gifts.
She also posts her poetry on booksie https://www.booksie.com/users/bonnie-sun-347371
—Of January 20, 2025
—The Sand Creek Massacre Anniversary (related to website pages: Honoring Indigenous and Collaboration: Right Relationship Boulder)
—Of Wynn Bruce, Earth Day 2022 (related to Climate Collaborations website page)
—For All Women and All Life
—Spring Equinox 2018
—This Place of Forest 2016
7:47 am of January 20, 2025
Curled into the warmth of a winter's day, I smile,
And see before me, two men in contrast, whose day of celebration this is.....
Which of them am I drawn to honor?
Loud laughter emerges from my warm body!
Tucked into gratitude, it is clear, as I wake into this 20th day of January, 2025:
The young man in his 30s with courage to name the scourge of the military-industrial complex,
Who speaks for those ensconced in the impacts of poverty, racism, and now climate crises,
The effects of human ignoring of the principles of Life and Love on planet Earth.
I know who to honor. He knew. May we know.
Listen! for his words still carry the Truth.
from Bonnie Sundance welcoming this Love and Truth to flow through us today as well.
The Sand Creek Massacre Anniversary
November 29, 2021
I. This history we inherit, the legacy of the settlers,
who established this town around the discovery of gold.
who broke a treaty made in good faith,
"...to protect the aforesaid Indian Nations"
And then mustered here to murder hundreds
of peacefully encamped Native Peoples.
II. I stand now on this ground with a bloody history,
an ugly story to tell of settler people
who disrespected a thousands year old reality
and the Native People who lived it....
and erased the story behind them.
We now have the difficult task of addressing more than a wrong.
III. Descendants from elsewhere now ride over this Land
asphalted and building-covered, teaching their children myths
of the Manifest Destiny that brought them here, seeking a better life.
Teaching children that nature is here forever for their use,
To dominate and take what they want, ignoring, and denying
The relationships of respect and mutual support which
Native people created with Life on Turtle Island.
IV. My morning again becomes a mourning.
I do not carry these things lightly nor happily ....
they clench my gut and unsettle my heart.
I am deeply angry that settlers who came to this Land
and those who followed them,
have left me this legacy, this impossible task.
How do I honor it? How do we collectively embrace it?
Bonnie Sundance, June and November 2021 Colorado
of Wynn on Earth Day 4 22 2022
If we were, as a planet, where we need to be,
he wouldn't have had to do what he did--
Create of his body a message to the world
To wake up to the fires and suffering
which climate change is provoking.
That's my pain, my anger, my sadness
that we aren't unified as a planetary species
honoring all Life on Earth, carefully ....
so that he burned inside with a sacred intent to
use his Life to make a Sacred Statement
Calling us all to task for all of Life.
I bow in respect to him and his act.
Now my friend isn't here to continue
with us the work of shifting our culture,
The Great Turning in the midst of
the unraveling ot it. Please come along .....
It's time we listen to Earth,
open our hearts and all take on the sacred work
of healing our relationship, with all of Life.
Bonnie Sundance, April 28, 2022, Rocky Mountains, CO
After reading the Sapiens Article about Guatemalan women which Christine Weber edited and sent, https://www.sapiens.org/culture/guatemala-migrants-united-states/
this poem came on the NB Bus ride into Boulder 11:30 am 10/26/18
For all Women and All Life
The wind blows cold and chills me as I
Walk, aware of fear – for the highland
Women in Guatemala,
The 8 of 10 Mayan women who are
Raped and carry Lifetime scars, affected, inflicted.
To carry this knowledge of
My Earth-Sisters, causes me anxiety
And like a magnet, draws up
Deeply buried yet ever-present fears
That I, too, will be raped again, unexpectedly.
I remember the Hinono-ei women one hundred sixty years ago
Who were raped and massacred
By European settlers at Sand Creek
South of where I now live on Hinono-ei
Sacred Homeland, once wild and beautiful.
Now to the North, where the oil and gas industry
Works and rapes their reservation Lands,
Young tribal women are approached by men
Paying for their sexual favors or
Raping them free-of-charge.
I distance myself from many men,
Still carry the unkind and critical energy and messages
Of that teen-age boy who raped me when I was a child
To teach me a lesson for playing with two Black boys.
I ache to argue for my right to speak my truth in this world,
As there is so much to speak up about
For the Earth herself, mountaintops razed, and Lands raped
Life taken from other species and
Too many humans ignoring the impact of their ways on Life
Too busy doing life-as-usual.
The 1493 Papal Bull called the Doctrine of Discovery
Which gave permission to explorers
To take Land from supposed Savages and
Take their lives from them if they were
Uncooperative with the religion forced upon them
Still wreaks its historical havoc on
Indigenous People in present time who are
Denigrated and denied human rights
And likewise, on the Earth herself.
I trouble over all this, carry fear in my heart for
Earth-sisters I do not know by name
Please open our shared heart with me and act
To create safety every day for every woman
And all Life, through all we do.
Find out and understand the impacts of
The way we live have on the precious lives of all beings.
Choose to step out of the box of your life
And really look, and write a new story
That takes all Life into account, on this Beloved Earth.
With loving kindness and a vulnerable willingness
To say yes and care.
by Bonnie Sundance, Colorado October 26, 2018
Spring Equinox plus 2
I walk the wide and rocky trail,
Dogs and humans yards ahead,
Dogs and humans yards behind.
Ten minutes up onto the Mesa
I walk off trail onto dry matted grass,
Hiding small green plants beneath
(I leave clock time behind)
The Ponderosa Pines greet me,
They know me as someone who comes to be with them.
I carefully examine a patch of ground, free of cacti.
So I lay down, relax directly
into Earth' Presence.
Stretching my inner attention, out beyond,
through the soil, full of roots.
Listen to the song of wind and tree,
breathe forest warm Earthy smells.
Feeling something on my bare leg
carefully draw my leg close to look
A lovely orange and black ladybug!
I give this kin a ride onto my finger,
She crawls up then opens her origami wings
Files away.
I lay back and rest into
Forest, and deep blue Sky as a slow smile
Grins itself onto my face.
My Being profoundly at Peace.....here.
Bonnie Sundance, Chautauqua Park, Boulder, CO
This Place of Forest
Oh, This Place!
Of Forest, Trees growing their Tallness
Of Mountains, Snow fall and melt, mist
Of shifting clouds and cloudless blue sky
Ever changing, yet holding me
By sunlight bright and dim
By starlight and change of moon’s light
Ecstatic moments so heart opening
At dusk a wandering elk bugling into evening’s quiet,
Its fog horn sound a sigh for like-company
Hummingbird’s whirring wings in graceful, playful flight
Little fur ball of bat enfolded in the shadows of daylight
Yellow and black striped delight of butterfly so near bouncing on flowers
These greet me
Each time I step through the door from inside a place of clutching,
Caught in emotional grasping
I quietly shed the anxious mind to listen
To the living breathing silence of life
Nature’s life
Re-Membering my own connection
Intake of breath from the vast sky and the fir tree nearby;
Flowing creek waters moving through my own living body, reminding me
To relax my way around the rocks and
Into the Earth’s ever present embrace,
Holding me Inseparable from Herself.
Bonnie Sundance, Rocky Mountains, Colorado 29 June 2016