Guidelines for Earth Living

It is widely known that climate crises and species extinction are degrading our planet and are a threat to all species. Many people feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of both especially when they ask themselves what is going to solve these challenges. Some say they don't know what to do. These Guidelines for Earth Living delineate clear steps that people can take and offer information of how to do so and why.

  1. Foster a respectful and grateful relationship with the Earth and all her ecosystems and life forms. The Earth is the Source of all Life.

  2. Be conscious of how your lifestyle, ways of taking care of yourself and consumer habits may contribute to climate change and degradation of ecosystems. Please choose to transform or lessen their negative impacts.

    (See the book and website All We Can Save especially references and resources ) See Green Home Guide — recommended by an elementary school: Ms. Platt & Jessica, Jocelyn, Adam, and Madalyn.

  3. Make a commitment to cut back 50% on fossil fuel use in your personal daily transportation.

    Note: The advantages of alternative transportation and costs to Earth of single personal car commutes.

  4. Make a commitment to cut back 65% to 75% on your air travel, and let others know you are!

  5. Make a commitment to shift from eating conventionally produced foods to eating foods from regenerative agriculture and organic, substituting a few at a time and from local sources. Avoid use of harmful pesticides on lawns and farms.

  6. Make a commitment to eat 50% less meat or go vegetarian or vegan and substitute other sources of protein with fewer negative impacts on climate change.

  7. Build soil, learn carbon sequestration, and protect forests.

  8. Wear more layers in winter and turn down the thermostat; in summer wisely close curtains and let your home vary in temperature without constant AC. Especially dry your clothes outdoors on the line or indoors on a rack.

  9. Make a commitment to work together as a nation toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions 50% by 2030 to create realistic alternatives to the human causes of climate change. See information done for each state about those solutions. Consider supporting the Green New Deal.

  10. Consider the cost of war to human life and to national economies and use conflict resolving processes based on nonviolence. Consider whether your money and energy use is building peace or supporting war. Question military's contribution to climate change.

  11. Consider working to limit human population growth including in your personal life choices until we figure out how to live in harmony and share with our neighbors of all species instead of exterminating them to have “what we want.”

  12. Find benefits in learning from Indigenous traditional ecological knowledge:

    a.) Living now so people seven generations ahead will have clean air, healthy soil, drinkable water and wild beautiful places.

    b.) Use forest maintenance fire practices

If you want to look further into actions and reasons to care for our sacred Earth:

All We Can Save

IPCC report Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Support and join an environmental organization:

  1. Join me in participating with:

    Eco Dharma Sangha Boulder,

    Elders Climate Action

    Pachamama Alliance

    11th Hour Calling for Climate Action

    Time Bank of Boulder, 13 year member

    KGNU and Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, Sustaining member

    (Please visit websites)